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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://whites-mobile1.mobitual.com/s/64ad3b99be03ed51f8672af7/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
6485dd6558ca5140feb886ce Vitaroyal Junior 300mg 10 Vials https://whites-mobile1.mobitual.com/s/64ad3b99be03ed51f8672af7/6485de02ec905dbcd9cbd9a0/38749.jpg Vitaroyal Junior contains royal jelly, Vitamin C, Zinc & natural honey food supplement for optimum physical and mental function and development 38749
out of stock SAR 149.5
1 1
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Vitaroyal Junior 300mg 10 Vials

SAR 149.5

Vitaroyal Junior contains royal jelly, Vitamin C, Zinc & natural honey food supplement for optimum physical and mental function and development
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All natural and pure composition of carefully harvested and treated honeybee bioactive products. Formulated to provide the best source of Royal Jelly added to around 50 % of natural honey as basic liquid vehicle. Royal Jelly is dried by lyophilization process to reserve the premium quality of the biologically active micro-nutrients and active components. Ideal food supplement for optimum physical and mental function and development as it rich in highly valuable and significantly important nutrients and vitamins in addition to the unique well established activities of 10-HDA. Comes with a great taste. European quality product. Collected from "home farmed" beehives which ensures purity and quality.
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Best usage instructions: Once daily / 1-3 months. Shake well before use. Store in dry, cool place
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300 mg Fresh Royal Jelly (3 mg 10-HDA), 48% Natural Honey, Vitamin C – 24 mg (96% NRV) and Zinc – 1.3 mg (38% NRV).
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