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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://whites-mobile1.mobitual.com/s/64ad3b99be03ed51f8672af7/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
6489997890d13ee369514de3 Manuka Honey Tablets Natural Propolis https://whites-mobile1.mobitual.com/s/64ad3b99be03ed51f8672af7/648999e5c54e08efab6935fb/400-mgo.jpg
  • Manuka honey tablets with natural propolis are dietary supplements that contain New Zealand Manuka honey and propolis.
  • Manuka honey is a unique type of honey with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, while propolis is a resin-like substance that bees collect from trees and use to protect their hives from pathogens.
  • The combination of Manuka honey and propolis in these tablets creates a powerful natural remedy that can help support overall health and wellness.
  • The tablets are made with high-quality, independently tested Manuka honey and propolis to ensure purity and potency.
  • The natural propolis in these tablets adds an extra boost of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits, making them particularly useful for supporting the immune system and promoting healing.
  • Manuka honey tablets with natural propolis are free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, and they are suitable for vegetarians.
  • Each tablet typically contains a standardized amount of Manuka honey and propolis, usually between 200mg to 400mg, depending on the brand and product.
  • Manuka honey tablets with natural propolis can be taken daily as a supplement to support overall health and wellness, or they can be used as a natural remedy for various ailments, such as sore throats, coughs, colds, and digestive issues.
  • It is important to follow the recommended dosage instructions on the product label and consult with a healthcare professional before taking any new dietary supplement.
in stock SAR 70
1 1
{"_id":"6489997890d13ee369514de3","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"SEO":{},"metafields":{"benefits":"","how_to_use":"","what_is":"","therapeutic_uses":"","dosage_and_administration":"","contraindication_and_drug_interaction":"","warning_and_precautions":"","side_effects":"","more_information":""},"name":"أقراص عسل المانوكا عكبر طبيعي","description":"<ul>\n<li>أقراص عسل المانوكا مع صمغ النحل الطبيعي هي مكملات غذائية تحتوي على عسل مانوكا النيوزيلندي وصمغ النحل.</li>\n<li>عسل مانوكا هو نوع فريد من العسل مع خصائص مضادة للبكتيريا والالتهابات، في حين أن البروبوليس هو مادة تشبه الراتنج يجمعها النحل من الأشجار ويستخدم لحماية فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية (HIV) من مسببات الأمراض.</li>\n<li>يخلق مزيج عسل المانوكا وصمغ النحل في هذه الأقراص علاجا طبيعيا قويا يساعد على دعم الصحة والعافية بشكل عام.</li>\n<li>الأقراص مصنوعة من عسل المانوكا والبروبوليس عالي الجودة والمختبر بشكل مستقل لضمان النقاء والفعالية.</li>\n<li>يضيف صمغ النحل الطبيعي في هذه الأقراص دفعة إضافية من الفوائد المضادة للبكتيريا والالتهابات، مما يجعلها مفيدة بشكل خاص لدعم الجهاز المناعي وتعزيز الشفاء.</li>\n<li>أقراص عسل مانوكا مع صمغ النحل الطبيعي خالية من الألوان الصناعية والنكهات والمواد الحافظة، وهي مناسبة للنباتيين.</li>\n<li>يحتوي كل قرص عادة على كمية موحدة من عسل المانوكا وصمغ النحل، وعادة ما يتراوح بين 200 مجم و400 مجم، اعتمادا على العلامة التجارية والمنتج.</li>\n<li>يمكن تناول أقراص عسل المانوكا مع العكبر الطبيعي يوميا كمكمل لدعم الصحة العامة والعافية، أو يمكن استخدامها كعلاج طبيعي لمختلف الأمراض، مثل التهاب الحلق والسعال ونزلات البرد ومشاكل الجهاز الهضمي.</li>\n<li>من المهم اتباع تعليمات الجرعة الموصى بها على ملصق المنتج والتشاور مع أخصائي الرعاية الصحية قبل تناول أي مكمل غذائي جديد.</li>\n</ul>"},"EN":{}}},"inventory_management":"automatic","publish":"1","location_availability_mode":"default","seller":"5e5ba36356297b5dd7d7df93","approve":"approved","alias":"manuka-honey-tablets-natural-propolis","images":[{"image":"648999e5c54e08efab6935fb/400-mgo.jpg","_metadata":{"image":{"name":"حلاو عسل المانوكا 400 MGO عكبر فيتامين سي ٣.jpg","type":"image/jpeg","size":1447069,"versioning":true,"_id":"648999e5c54e08efab6935fb"}},"_id":"648999f8fb17b3e2dbcd17fa"}],"collections":["all-items-collection"],"categories":["herbals","wellness","immune-system","adults-1","multi-vitamins-and-minerals-1","vitamins-and-supplements","immune-system-1","herbals-4"],"tax":"default","metafields":{"unitSAP":"EA","kunooz_product_type":[],"health_conditions":[],"frequently_bought":[],"use_it_with":[],"pick_your_free_items":[],"combo_offer":[],"kunooz_categories":[],"whites_categories":["immune-system","wellness","vitamins-and-supplements"],"skin_tone":[],"lips":[],"benefits":"","how_to_use":"","what_is":"","therapeutic_uses":"","dosage_and_administration":"","contraindication_and_drug_interaction":"","warning_and_precautions":"","side_effects":"","more_information":""},"substore":["whites","kunooz","whites-express","kunooz-express"],"description":"<ul>\n<li>Manuka honey tablets with<span>&nbsp;</span><a node=\"[object Object]\" class=\"MarkdownLink_linkifiedLink__KxC9G\">natural propolis</a><span>&nbsp;</span>are<span>&nbsp;</span><a node=\"[object Object]\" class=\"MarkdownLink_linkifiedLink__KxC9G\">dietary supplements</a><span>&nbsp;</span>that contain New Zealand Manuka honey and propolis.</li>\n<li>Manuka honey is a unique type of honey with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, while propolis is a resin-like substance that bees collect from trees and use to protect their hives from pathogens.</li>\n<li>The combination of<span>&nbsp;</span><a node=\"[object Object]\" class=\"MarkdownLink_linkifiedLink__KxC9G\">Manuka honey</a><span>&nbsp;</span>and propolis in these tablets creates a powerful<span>&nbsp;</span><a node=\"[object Object]\" class=\"MarkdownLink_linkifiedLink__KxC9G\">natural remedy</a><span>&nbsp;</span>that can help support<span>&nbsp;</span><a node=\"[object Object]\" class=\"MarkdownLink_linkifiedLink__KxC9G\">overall health</a><span>&nbsp;</span>and wellness.</li>\n<li>The tablets are made with high-quality, independently tested Manuka honey and propolis to ensure purity and potency.</li>\n<li>The natural propolis in these tablets adds an extra boost of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits, making them particularly useful for supporting the<span>&nbsp;</span><a node=\"[object Object]\" class=\"MarkdownLink_linkifiedLink__KxC9G\">immune system</a><span>&nbsp;</span>and promoting healing.</li>\n<li>Manuka honey tablets with natural propolis are free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, and they are suitable for vegetarians.</li>\n<li>Each tablet typically contains a standardized amount of Manuka honey and propolis, usually between 200mg to 400mg, depending on the brand and product.</li>\n<li>Manuka honey tablets with natural propolis can be taken daily as a supplement to support overall health and wellness, or they can be used as a natural remedy for various ailments, such as<span>&nbsp;</span><a node=\"[object Object]\" class=\"MarkdownLink_linkifiedLink__KxC9G\">sore throats</a>, coughs, colds, and digestive issues.</li>\n<li>It is important to follow the<span>&nbsp;</span><a node=\"[object Object]\" class=\"MarkdownLink_linkifiedLink__KxC9G\">recommended dosage instructions</a><span>&nbsp;</span>on the<span>&nbsp;</span><a node=\"[object Object]\" class=\"MarkdownLink_linkifiedLink__KxC9G\">product label</a><span>&nbsp;</span>and consult with a healthcare professional before taking any new<span>&nbsp;</span><a node=\"[object Object]\" class=\"MarkdownLink_linkifiedLink__KxC9G\">dietary supplement</a>.</li>\n</ul>","sku":"47696","brand":"AURIBEE","price":70,"name":"Manuka Honey Tablets Natural Propolis","inventory_quantity":6,"shippingTax":"default","uniquesku":["47696"],"attributes":[{"name":"concerns","value":"Chocolate, Candy & 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Manuka Honey Tablets Natural Propolis

SAR 70

  • Manuka honey tablets with natural propolis are dietary supplements that contain New Zealand Manuka honey and propolis.
  • Manuka honey is a unique type of honey with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, while propolis is a resin-like substance that bees collect from trees and use to protect their hives from pathogens.
  • The combination of Manuka honey and propolis in these tablets creates a powerful natural remedy that can help support overall health and wellness.
  • The tablets are made with high-quality, independently tested Manuka honey and propolis to ensure purity and potency.
  • The natural propolis in these tablets adds an extra boost of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits, making them particularly useful for supporting the immune system and promoting healing.
  • Manuka honey tablets with natural propolis are free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, and they are suitable for vegetarians.
  • Each tablet typically contains a standardized amount of Manuka honey and propolis, usually between 200mg to 400mg, depending on the brand and product.
  • Manuka honey tablets with natural propolis can be taken daily as a supplement to support overall health and wellness, or they can be used as a natural remedy for various ailments, such as sore throats, coughs, colds, and digestive issues.
  • It is important to follow the recommended dosage instructions on the product label and consult with a healthcare professional before taking any new dietary supplement.
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